Earlier this year we updated the EVP Core Team, let us introduce our new Core Team Members! We come from all geographic backgrounds, speak multiple languages and have different visual styles or niches as well.
But we have many things in common, our passion for visuals and community!
Get in touch with us, we are a chatty group 🙂
Let us introduce now, in alphabetical order *drumroll* …

Hi, I am Betty. I live on the Isle of Man, but my hometown is Bratislava in Slovakia. My background is in architecture and urbanism, and I currently work as a facilitator and urban designer. My studies and work took me to South Africa, Belgium and Sweden, where I worked in Stockholm for 5 years as a designer. I always used visual practice in my work, but only a few years ago, I started to develop its full potential and use it as my primary tool.
My curiosity leads me to join the EVP and become one of its core members. I live on a small island and spend a lot of time on the beach or in the forest with my dog but I am still a city person at heart and enjoy all things social as meeting new people and sharing stories.

Hi everyone, nice to meet you! I‘m Brechtje and I love to color up people’s lives! As a coach, moderator, (visual) facilitator and graphic recorder. Whether I am facilitating an EVP online Cocktail session, giving coaching about next career steps, facilitating team building workshops, or moderating big company events… I always aim to create an atmosphere of trust, joy and energy, in which participants feel at ease, open up, sparkle and perform at their best. I joined the EVP core team in 2021 and like facilitating meetings and bringing our wonderful community together so that we can flourish, explore and grow together. Talking about growth: I have a wonderful family with 2 awesome kids that inspire me every step of the way.
Looking forward to meeting you soon and hopefully colouring up your life too 🙂

Hello! I am Eveline from Vlissingen, the Netherlands.
I am an urban planner and almost 15 years ago I found a way to use drawing in my work as a project manager within that field. At this moment you can call me to teach about visual project facilitation, to moderate conversations between government and citizens and to facilitate project teams. Still focused on urban planning and infrastructure.
After three people told me the EVP Core Team was looking for new members, I joined the team in 2021. My goal was to upgrade the communication with the community. In 2023 I want to convert my findings into a marketing plan that fits this international community and the new membership.

Hallo, my name is Francesca and I am Italian.
Born in the 20th century, a humanist by nature and training, I changed city, job and perspective several times, always guided by curiosity for the new and a real vocation for change; pragmatism and joie de vivre, broad horizons and attention to detail are some of the treasures I’ve collected along the way.
Since my early teens I have been drawing my illustrations using different techniques such as oil pastels, pencil, pen, watercolours, sepia ink, collage… until I fell in love with markers!
I love teaching, training and coaching and generally supporting people to be able to give their best and feel good.
I joined the EVP core team in 2023, looking for a way to give back some of the knowledge and beauty I have gathered along my way.

My name is Jonas Raeber, or because of my round glasses Joonas.
From age 12 in 1980 I was drawing comic stories, switched to animated short films in 1991, started to do live cartoons in 2011. I have also been head of the Swiss Federation of Animators for 10 years and an elementary school teacher for 8 years. I still am and always will be a political person, a firm believer in peace and love and a father of two grown up young women.
I live in Lucerne, Switzerland, from where I call the world my home and myself a citizen of humankind. Whenever I don’t do stand up-cartoons and animated films, I sing, I dance, I cook, I bike.
And new: I contribute to the EVP community. Honoured to do so.

Hi! My name is Svetla, and I am originally from Plovdiv, Bulgaria. I have been living in my beautiful hometown for most of my life: it has been my cosy base camp from where I keep exploring the world and enjoy coming back.
I started drawing fifteen years ago, searching for ways to make my work as a communication trainer and group facilitator easier and more fun. Today I see my purpose in empowering people of diverse professional backgrounds to start using the language of simple hand-drawn images as a thinking, learning and communication tool.
I am a family life, sea, animals and camping lover.
I recently joined the EVP core team out of my desire to expand my horizons by serving this great community the best I can.